Is the earth a finite resource? Yes. The problem is that economic theory was based on an “empty world.” Instead, we need to move to “full world” economics. The basic rule of microeconomics, that optimal scale is reached when marginal cost equals marginal benefit (MC = MB), has aptly been called the “when to stop rule”—that is, when to stop growing. In macroeconomics, curiously, there is no “when to stop rule,” nor any concept of the optimal scale of the macroeconomy. The default rule is “grow forever,” consume forever, grow, grow, grow!
Does the earth have finite material resources? Yes.
While growth must end, this in no way implies an end to development, which we define as qualitative change, realization of potential, evolution toward an improved, but not larger, structure or system—an increase in the quality of goods and services (where quality is measured by the ability to increase human well-being) provided by a given throughput. Most of you have ceased growing physically, yet are probably studying this text in an effort to further develop your potential as humans. We expect human society to continue developing, and indeed argue that only by ending growth will we be able to continue developing for the indefinite future.
The sole source of inflowing energy to our earth is the SUN. It’s our sole source of energy, and that’s what we are implementing here in our company, Tower One Energy Group. Harnessing clean power that is truly sustainable, forever.
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