The 7 + 1 Cures for a Lean Purse
Paraphrased excerpt from "The Richest Man In Babylon"
Paraphrased excerpt from "The Richest Man In Babylon"

- Start thy purse to fattening: "For every ten coins thy placest within thy purse take out but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once......"
(Save at least 10% of everything you earn!) - Control thy expenditures: "Budget thy expenses that thou mayest have coins to pay for thy necessities......enjoyments......thy worthwhile desires......without spending more than nine tenths of thy earnings......"
(Establish a spending plan and spend only what you have after you have put away your 10%) - Make thy gold multiply: ".....put each coin to laboring that it may reproduce its kind......"
(Make your money work- don't put it in the mattress- invest it!) - Guard thy treasures from loss: "......Consult with wisemen...those experienced in the profitable handling of gold......protect thy treasure from unsafe investments."
(Obtain professional advice and invest in solid performing companies!) - Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment:".....own thy own home."
(Choose your home, and its location carefully and plan on that your home will be an appreciating asset.) - Insure a future income: "......provide in advance for the needs of thy growing age.... no matter how prosperous his business......"
(Do a retirement plan! Know- don't guess- what you will need to live, the way you want to live!) - Increase thy ability to earn: "......cultivate thy own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skillful, to act as to respect thyself."
(Engage in constant self-improvement. Keep your skills current. Technology and time will eventually make your skills obsolete!) - This last one is from me: Build ye an investment investigation source!
(To become wealthy seek the council ofprofessionals!)
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