But the same ability to quickly learn new skills and adapt to new conditions, can also have negative consequences. For example, most smokers picked up the habit as kids.
They yielded to peer pressure at a young age and later on in life so many of them have to struggle for years to "kick the habit" if they're able to kick it at all.
Children, in other words, can quickly learn good or bad habits that last a lifetime. And that's why they need their parents guidance. Not only to care and provide for them, but to help them develop habits and skills that will serve them well their whole lives long. And when it comes to money and material things, it's no different.
By teaching your children good money habits early on, you can see to it that money never becomes an obstacle in their lives.
And that means that instead of being overwhelmed by "life's bills," they'll have the financial freedom and confidence to focus on things that are more important than money.
Children's 3rd Great Wealth Advantage:

The third great wealth advantage children have is the greatest advantage of all. It's time! It's their single greatest advantage because nothing creates wealth like compounded returns over time.
In fact, all the riches in the world won't buy you time - yet your children have their whole lives in front of them.
By using time wisely, your children can still live the same fun-filled childhoods they do now, but with the important difference that they'll also have a few dollars quietly building up into a fortune as they grow up.
Children Are Uniquely Suited to Build Wealth Through Bull and Bear Markets
A final note: You may think now is not the right time to start investing in stocks for your children, since we're in the middle of a bear market.
The truth is now is an excellent time. And you can and should start any time as long as you're investing in the value sectors of the market for the long term.
By that, I mean those sectors that are significantly off their highs yet represent areas of the economy that will continue to grow over the long term.
To illustrate that point, let's take a simple example. Let's imagine it's the beginning of 1931 and we're about 15 months into a major bear market. And, for the sake of simplicity, let's say you can only invest in the S&P 500 (even though, in actuality, there are much better long-term values in today's market).
Back in the beginning of 1931, the market was already down over 60%. But worse was yet to come. Nonetheless, if you began to invest just $2 a day on behalf your children or grandchildren at that point, you'd be amazed at the wealth it would produce 30 years later.
By investing just $2 a day through the continuing bear market, final bottom a few years later and eventual, uneven recovery ... 30 years later, your children would end up with $221,396!
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