Here’s an outline of the five-step energy action plan.
1. Spend less on energy
2. Use less energy
3. Invest in technologies and resources that compete with conventional oil.
4. Get others to join the fight.
5. Go back to Action Step 1 and repeat.
Note: Every war (or game if you prefer) involves a combination of defensive and offensive actions. To win we have to use both defense and offense.
ACTION STEP 1 - SPEND LESS ON ENERGY – Management (A Defensive measure.)
You can spend less on energy without conserving.
But if you practice good management AND good conservation, you’ll save even more.
So, do both, and keep even more of your hard-earned money.
ACTION STEP 2 - USE LESS ENERGY – Conservation (A Defensive measure.)
A lot of what we hear about energy conservation sounds too much like finger pointing. It sounds like we are being told that we don’t drive small enough cars, or that we should give up our cars altogether and get bicycles.
We aren’t going to suggest anything like that here.
We all have our reasons for our personal transportation choices. If someone wants to trade their stuffs like car, that’s fine. But they shouldn’t think badly about the rest of us for not joining the lines at the bike shop and bus station.
We didn’t design the industrialized nations we live in. But, like all people, we do what we can to adapt to life in our home country. To be honest, most of us wouldn’t trade our way of life for any of the alternatives.
With that understanding, we offer a number of ways to conserve that easily fit into the lifestyle most of us enjoy. Using the techniques on our Gas Saving Driving and Gas Saving Car Care will save energy, maybe a lot of it, and help keep your hard earned money in your pocket.
It is worth noting that conservation is actually both a defensive and an offensive measure. In addition to saving your money, it reduces demand on energy supplies.
Conservation is the start of an offensive against high energy prices. But it is just a start.
ACTION STEP 3 - INVEST - Invest in technologies and resources that compete with conventional oil. (An Offensive.)
In the first two Action Steps you defended your energy and money supplies.
Now it’s time to start a real energy offensive.
Competition is the heart and soul of free enterprise. Consumers almost universally demand three things – faster, better, cheaper. Competition moves that process forward in every industry on the planet, to the benefit of consumers.
More competition means better products with cheaper prices. And competition greatly speeds up the innovation and marketing process.
Conventional oil needs competition.
Your investments help provide that competition.
But investing needs to be done in a prudent, systematic way so your money does the most work with the least amount of risk. Our Energy Investing strategy (w/c we discuss in the future) were built as a guide to help get you pointed in the right investing direction.
[Note: I am not a professional investment counselor. I have had a reasonable amount of success with my own business/investments, though. I wrote the Energy Investing pages to share lessons I have learned, and resources that have served me well.]
Another way to invest in the fight against high oil prices is to buy a car that reduces or eliminates the need for gasoline. Of course, we’re talking about the next time you’re actually in the market for a car.
Before you buy that new car take a look at our Alternative Engine Options page. You’ll be amazed at the alternatives, and these aren’t Star Wars technologies. They are practical innovations, and they are here now.
ACTION STEP 4 - TALK TO OTHERS - Get others to join the fight. (A major Offensive against high energy prices.)
This is an absolutely vital part of the plan.
It took a group effort to push energy prices to where they are today. It will take a group effort to bring them back down.
As you work the first three steps and start getting excited about the results, share that information with others. If you’re tracking your conservation efforts and discover that you can painlessly save $xxx a month or more, share that. When you hear about a new technology that reduces energy demand, share that.
When you share any kind of energy related information try to remember to bring up the 5-Step Plan. If you are sincerely excited about what you are accomplishing as you fight for energy security, then you will find the plan easy to talk about.
Excitement is contagious. The more you learn about fighting high energy prices, the more you will have to be excited about; and that’s all the salesmanship you’ll ever need.
Spreading the word is NOT about selling.
Spreading the word IS about sharing information that excites you.
ACTION STEP 5 - REPEAT – (A Battle Plan)
Go back to Action Step 1 and repeat the process.
That doesn’t mean that you have to always be looking for new ways to conserve and save. It does mean that the process needs to be repeated. Week after week each of us needs to continue the effort.
Victory over high energy prices and energy insecurity requires a sustained effort. We didn’t get here overnight and we won’t win the war in a week or two.
It is far more effective for each of us to do all of the steps a little, than to do just one - even if we do it a lot.
Do a little, but do something.
If we do nothing about energy except pay and gripe, then prices and supplies are bound to get worse. Let’s face it, paying and complaining isn’t much of a battle plan.
If nobody does anything we could be looking at an energy war fought not with management and money, but with bombs and blood. And a lot of people suspect that we’re already doing just that.
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